Michelle Estefania Lozano Enriquez

A R T C E N T R E: Digital Arts School and Community Art Exhibitions
This project involves a change of use from bar to an Art Centre, the building is located on 57 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2. The Art Centre provides educational opportunities for young people to build their artistic and creative skills in graphic and visual digital media; to communicate, collaborate, stimulate their brains, be inventive, and harness their curiosity. It will empower young people to develop, implement and evaluate visual arts and creative activity throughout this centre and stimulate additional ways of showing their works to the community in the proposed Art Exhibition Community Space. The building has been designed with a sustainability and accessibility approach, considering access for people of all ages, sizes, and abilities or disabilities. The concept is “Layers of time”, inspired by the unique and significant history and architectural merit of the protected building, The Art centre project investigates transparency, using materials that allow for the original features and materials of the building to be seen, and preserving the historic and aesthetic work of the past. The Internal refurbishment includes acoustic consideration, and the internal structures are designed using eco-materials and inspired by the shapes, forms, and symmetry of the existing building and its original features.